Magic of the Moon

Every day I am learning more and more about myself and I feel more and more open and free. A big part of that freedom comes from just being me but my way, not the way that I had been doing life to please everyone around me. Those other people shouldn’t have any power over me and my truth and they shouldn’t over you either.
As I become me I feel more open to the Universe and the wonders that surround me. Yesterday afternoon I sat outside and wrote my Chakra contemplations for that day’s exercise and feeling the air, hearing the wind, and even smelling someone else’s bonfire lit up my senses.
Tuesday night was the full moon, and I hope you got the chance to go outside and see it because it was beautiful. The full moon is a great time for manifesting what it is that you want in your life or even what you don’t want. Tuesday after my contemplations I made a list of things that I was releasing, things that I was letting go. I then folded the paper in half facing away from me twice and continued my day until the moon was out.
Around 11:30, I got up from reading and went outside to see the moon and to release the things that have been holding me back from myself. I got mesmerized by the beauty of it and what it was allowing me to do. I thanked the moon multiple times while holding my paper and I even cried, it was such a beautiful moment and I felt so free. I then ripped my paper multiple times and threw it in the trash can as I was letting go and that paper no longer served me. Afterwards I went to my room where I felt such a huge sense of peace fall over me.
Right now my “teacher” for the moons and manifestations is online, I hope to one day be able to do these myself without the research and to help others manifest for themselves and the life that they deserve.
Full Moon Love,
Chantal M.